Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I know which type of filter to order for my equipment?

A. If you are unsure of your equipment or the type of filter, please contact us before placing your order. The easiest way is to send us a photo of your equipment/filter so we can help you choose the right one. If you can't find your equipment/filter on our website because it may be out of date or discontinued, please contact us as we can sometimes do custom orders for items we do not advertise.
Q. Are air scrubbers good for allergy sufferers?

A. Yes, air scrubbers have been tested and proven to help remove allergens and many other particles and odors from the air. All Purisystems air scrubbers have true HEPA filtration that will capture 99.97% of particles such as pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke and other ultra-fine particles (down to 0.3 microns).
Q. What certifications are available for Purisystems products?

A. We believe it is important to provide our customers with as many certifications as possible to ensure the effectiveness of our products. AHAM Verifide® - Purisystems is proud to participate in the prestigious AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers) Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) programme, which tests and certifies products' ability to remove smoke, dust and pollen from the environment. ETL Safety - It means that a product meets certain defined requirements that are published, nationally recognised safety standards. CARB - The California Air Resources Board, also known as CARB or ARB, is the "clean air agency" for the state of California. All Purisystems products sold in North America are FCC - FCC certification applies to electrical products manufactured or sold in the United States. It confirms that the radio frequencies emitted are within the range approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Proposition 65 - All our products comply with California's Proposition 65 hazard regulations.
Q. Where is the best place to put my product?

A. Please choose where you want it by asking yourself these three questions: Where do I spend the most time? Where am I most concerned about odors or allergens? Where will it help me the most to put it? Once you have decided on a location, you should follow these guidelines to find the best place for the room. Leave a space of 12 ~ 18 in of space between TV, the radio and other electronic devices. Leave at least 12 ~ 18 in from the walls for optimal air circulation. Keep indoors on a hard, flat surface, out of direct sunlight.
Q. Is the product noisy in operation? Will it affect people's normal rest?

A. The noise level of our domestic air scrubbers is below 58 dBA during operation, which does not affect people's normal peace and quiet in any way. Industrial air scrubbers have a noise level of 70-73 dBA and dust collectors have a noise level of 61-66 dBA. If you are sensitive to noise, you can get noise-proof earplugs or headphones while the machine is running.
Q. What is the function of the ionizer?

A. The presence of IG after the product means that the product comes with an ionizer, and the function of the ionizer is to help purify the air.
Q. How do I know when my carbon filter is used up?

A. The clean air has no smell. This is the first sign that your carbon filter is past its lifespan. You will start to smell odors coming from the filtration system. Carbon is a sponge for the air and when it is full it can continue to soak up the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air, but it has to make room for it. It creates space by outgassing what it previously absorbed.
Q. How often do I need to change the filter? Is it durable?

A. Filters are usually replaced once every 2-3 months. The exact frequency of filter replacement depends on the quality of the air in which the unit is used. Our filters are made of corrosion-resistant aluminum, which is extremely durable and robust.
Q. What is the maximum square footage that can be covered by this device?

A. Air scrubber can be used to remove indoor odors, it also effectively filters out VOCs, smoke, fumes, paint and other gases that can cause undesirable odors. Our air scrubbers can cover areas up to 800 square feet.
Q. What is the recommended number of air changes?

A. We recommend at least 1 air change per hour and 2 or more if you have a respiratory condition. This is the guideline for a typical residential application. For commercial, industrial and medical applications this will be decided on a case by case basis. It is best to call to discuss before determining which unit and how many air changes are required.
Q. Why are there scratches or marks on my filter that look used?

A. We only ship brand new products that are manufactured and packaged directly by us. As part of the machining process, they may have scratches to a greater or lesser extent. These are a normal part of the machining process and do not affect performance or efficiency. As the filters are mounted inside the units and are not visible, it is not important for the manufacturer to touch up the surface for aesthetic reasons. This would cause additional costs.
Q. How do I change the filter?

A. The proper instructions for changing the filter will be in your owner's manual or on our product video, but the general procedure for changing the filter is as follows. Remove the front panel by grasping the top edge of the front panel and gently pulling forward. Remove the pre-filter, then remove the old filter from the back. Remove the protective plastic bag from the new filter. Install the filters in this order until they are securely in place. HEPA filter (back) Pre-filter (front). Once the filters are installed, close the front panel. After replacing the HEPA filter, put the pre-filter back in place and close the front panel. While the unit is on, press and hold the filter reset button for at least 5 seconds until a beep is heard. After the beep, the filter replacement indicator will disappear. Your Purisystems HEPA has now been reset.
Q. There is an odor in my machine?

A. Don't worry about it. When the machine is new, the filter material may "outgas" when first opened. Let the machine run for a day or so and the smell should disappear. If you are worried about this, run the unit on high in another room during this time. It should clear up overnight. If the filter is contaminated, there will be an odour - Please change your HEPA filter and clean or wash your pre-filter. Washable carbon filters may produce odors if not properly cleaned and dried properly. Therefore, please follow the instructions in the user manual for proper maintenance.
Q. There is a strange sound in my air scrubber?

A. Sometimes, when the room is very quiet, you may hear a chirping or buzzing sound. The occasional noise comes from large particles passing through the filter, which is normal and does not indicate a malfunction of the product. It's nothing to worry about because it cleans the air properly. Check the unit by turning it upside down and removing anything caught inside (do not try to open the unit). Check if any part of the unit is loose and if so, tighten the loose screws.
Q. What size machine should I buy?

A. My flippant answer would be "the biggest you can buy", but a better answer would be to carefully analyse your needs and size the machine accordingly. There really is no "magic" simple formula, but as a rough rule of thumb you should try to buy a machine whose unloaded CFM is two to three times the CFM needed for your largest woodworking machine. For example, if your planer or joiner's manual recommends 500 CFM, you need to buy a machine that is "rated" for at least 1,000 to 1,500 CFM. Some manufacturers offer planning assistance and advice on machine selection.
Q. Why should I buy a dust collector?

A. An important reason is to avoid health risks. Breathing fine wood dust can cause respiratory diseases and aggravate existing respiratory diseases. There are different types of wood dust that can also cause irritation on uncovered skin surfaces, fine wood dust can remain in suspension for hours. If there is no dust extraction for machines such as planers, the wood dust will be distributed on the boards and create indentations in the material being planned. Thus, another defective product. With dust extraction on the machines and a separate dust extractor suspended from the ceiling, the air in the workshop is kept virtually dust-free.
Q. What airborne contaminants does the air scrubber filter?

A. Air scrubbers use several different filtration (purification) technologies to remove airborne pollutants such as dust, smoke, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria and viruses, sawdust and other airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns (for air scrubbers).
Q. I have a 1500 sq.ft villa with two floors, is a certified 2500 sq.ft air scrubber sufficient to clean the air throughout the whole house?

A. In most cases, the best air purification results will only be achieved in the immediate area where the air scrubber is placed. When buying an air scrubber, you should consider the area where you want to put it. This will determine the area size and suitability of the model. Try to find a certified air scrubber that has a larger cleaning area than the area you want to put in. This will allow the air to be cleaned faster and more frequently.A rule of thumb, is that the certified area of the air scrubber should be at least one-third larger than the area where you place it. Example. If you want to clean the air in a 600 sq.ft living room, you should buy an air scrubber that is certified for at least 900 sq. ft or more. You can also buy a certified air scrubber that is certified for the same area or less than the area you want to clean, but be aware that it will clean the air a little slower and more often.
Q. What is a HEPA filter and what can I expect from it?

A. HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. It is a technology developed by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in the 1940s to meet a top-secret need for an effective method of filtering radioactive particles. HEPA is a high-efficiency filter media that removes tiny particles from the air that passes through the filter. There are different levels of efficiency depending on the particle size. The most effective form of HEPA can remove 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns that pass through the filter. What does this mean? For every 10,000 particles that enter a HEPA filter, an average of 3 will make it all the way through the filter.HEPA air scrubber filters do not trap gases and odors. This is why activated carbon is often used with HEPA filters. It captures the contaminants that the HEPA filter misses, such as gases and odors.
Q. Do air scrubbers emit harmful ozone?

A. Purisystems air scrubbers do not emit harmful ozone. It is important to know that safe emission levels should be below 0.05 ppm. Purisystems' products are below 0.01 ppm, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of purified air without worrying about harmful ozone. (CARB limits ozone emissions to 0.05 ppm.) Purisystems only offers air scrubbers that meet CARB standards. In fact, ozone exposure is more common than you might think. Ozone is present in even in the purest places on earth, such as refreshing mountain tops and beaches. According to Ozone in the Air, the typical concentration of ozone in the natural atmosphere averages 0.125 ppm.
Q. Can dust collectors be used for air purification?

A. Essentially, dust collectors and air scrubbers work on the same principle. However, dust collectors are better suited to collecting large wood, metal and plastic particles, which are usually found in factories. And the air scrubber acts as a fine particle collector, filtering and capturing tiny bits of dust while also collecting substances such as mold spores, allergens, pollen and dander. Choosing the right equipment can improve your energy efficiency.
Q. Can an air scrubber remove mold from a ceiling?

A. Commercial air scrubbers work on the principle of negative airflow. Negative airflow simply means that air is removed from an enclosed space faster than it can be replaced. When the air purifier is installed and working in a room, building, home, basement, or other space, a powerful fan draws the ambient air (and the mold spores it contains) into the air cleaner. A series of filters removes air particles of different sizes. A HEPA filter is responsible for trapping mold spores. Although the ceiling is far from the floor, as the air scrubber continues to work and circulate the air in the room, it will clear the ceiling of mold.
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8605 Santa Monica Blvd #79525 West
Hollywood, California, 90069 USA